Star Wars Missions 003 - Attack on Delrakkin Page 5
If your confront# is lower than your roll#, subtract the difference from your MP total. You’ve missed your chance to escape and now you must combat the TIE fighters (below).
To evade the TIE fighters (using Power)*: Choose your Vehicle Evasion Power. Your Jedi# + your Power’s mid-resist# + your X-wing’s stealth# is your confront#. Roll the 6-dice to evade the Imperial pilots.
If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#, add the difference to your MP total. The Imperial pilots miscalculate their distances. Confused, they panic and smash into the walls of the crater.
If your confront# is lower than your roll#, subtract the difference from your MP total and repeat this confront until you have evaded the TIE fighters.
*Note: This counts as one of two Power uses you are allowed in this Mission.
To combat the TIE fighters: Add your weaponry# + your X-wing’s weaponry# to your skill# +2 for your confront#. Roll the 12-dice to blast the central TIE fighter.
If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#, add the difference to your MP total. The central TIE fighter explodes and its pieces fly outward into the paths of the two other ships, causing them to crash.
If your confront# is lower than your roll#, subtract the difference from your MP total. Now add +3 to your confront# for your new confront#. Roll the 12-dice again to continue to fire another blast at the central TIE fighter.
If your new confront# is equal to or more than your roll#, add the difference to your MP total, then proceed.
If your new confront# is less than your roll#, subtract the difference from your MP total. Repeat this confront with your new confront# until you have destroyed the TIE fighters. You may then proceed.
The X-wing launches up and out of the crater.
“Where’s the Liquidator?” asks Q-7N.
“There’s no sign of it on my sensors!” you reply. “It must have gone into hyperspace!”
“Can we follow it?” inquires the droid.
“Not through hyperspace, Q-7N,” you answer. “I’ll explain the science of hyperspace later. Right now, we’ve got to go back to Delrakkin and check on the Falcon!”
You have performed admirably. Reward yourself 200 MP (275 MP for Advanced Level Players).
On Delrakkin, Solo and Chewbacca made final repairs to their freighter while Luke and Artoo-Detoo secured the newly acquired X-wing starfighter. Inside the Millennium Falcon, Princess Leia, See-Threepio, and Q-7N met with the reptilian natives Untrilla and Gwann in the central hold area.
“Do your people have any idea why the Empire would attack Delrakkin City?” Leia asked the natives.
“We were not allowed into the city, so we can only imagine,” Untrilla answered. “But perhaps the Imperial citizens wanted to join the Rebellion. Would that not earn the wrath of the Empire?”
“We never had any contact from this world,” Leia replied. “If the Empire wanted to punish the Imperial citizens, they would have openly attacked the city. Instead, they made it look like a Rebel attack. I suspect it has something to do with bacta production.”
“If I may say so, Princess Leia,” Threepio offered, “perhaps the holotapes from the Liquidator might provide some answers?”
Leia nodded. “They just might. We need to deactivate their locking device before we can view them — it should only be a few minutes more. Q-7N, go tell the others to come in here so we can have a look at the holotapes.” Q-7N flew out of the chamber.
Soon, everyone was gathered in the Falcon’s central hold area.
When the holotapes were ready for viewing, Princess Leia inserted the first one into a slot beneath Artoo-Detoo’s domed head. The crew watched in amazement as the ghostly image of Grand Moff Tarkin instructed Termo to contact another Imperial authority. At the end of the message, Artoo ejected the holotape.
“Tarkin ordered Admiral Termo to send ‘a coded transmission to destination B90-478R,’” Luke quoted. “Maybe we should send a message and find out who’s at the other end of that number.”
“And risk revealing our position to the Empire?” Solo scoffed. “Forget it! For all we know, that destination number could be a direct line to the Emperor!”
“Try the second holotape, Artoo,” Leia suggested.
The second holotape was activated and Grand Moff Tarkin’s image returned.
“Admiral Termo,” Tarkin’s hologram began, “I hope your conversation with the Emperor went well, but imagine it did not.”
Chewbacca eyed Solo and snarled.
“You mean it really was the Emperor’s number?” muttered an astonished Solo.
“Quiet, Han!” snapped Leia, keeping her eyes on the hologram.
“I’m making this recording,” continued Tarkin, “to insure you will carry out your mission on Delrakkin. Although the Empire has spread its power throughout the galaxy, there is a place we have not been able to control. That place is hyperspace itself. For many months, the Empire has been working on a device that will prevent ships from escaping into hyperspace.”
“What?!” Solo exclaimed. “That’s ridiculous!”
“Shhh!” Leia commanded.
“The Delrakkin system,” explained Tarkin’s hologram “is at the end of an old hyperspace trade route. We have chosen Delrakkin as a test site for our experiments and want Delrakkin City for our base of operations. However, our plan is of the utmost secrecy. Despite the fact that Delrakkin City is populated by Imperial citizens, we cannot risk anyone discovering our plans. For this reason, the citizens must be eliminated.”
The effect of Tarkin’s words sent chills down the spines of the assembled Rebels.
“The Death Star is transporting a shipment of contaminated bacta,” stated Tarkin’s hologram. “This bacta carries a virus. It was our intention to deliver the bacta to Delrakkin’s medical centers. Within days, all of the citizens would have been dead, and the city would have been ours. The only person on your ship who knew of this plan was Captain Skeezer.”
Hearing Skeezer’s name, Chewbacca growled. Everyone was glad that he was now in the Rebels’ custody on Yavin Four.
“Since the Death Star has not reached its destination,” Tarkin’s hologram continued, “you must take more dramatic measures. You will tell your troops that Delrakkin City’s Imperial citizens intend to join the Rebel Alliance and help the Rebels grow bacta. To support this effort, Captain Skeezer impersonated a Rebel and planted alazhi on Delrakkin. He also acquired twenty-four X-wings for an attack that would be attributed to the Rebel Alliance. If there are any survivors on Delrakkin, they will believe and support our official report that the Rebels were the ones who destroyed their planet.”
Grand Moff Tarkin’s hologram paused. “Although it sounds unlikely,” Tarkin concluded, “it is possible that the Death Star requires your aid. After you attack Delrakkin, Admiral Termo, you are to travel to the Yavin system and locate the Death Star.” The hologram flickered and died.
“Yavin Four!” Leia cried. “The Rebel base!”
“Come on, Chewie,” called Solo, racing for the cockpit Luke turned to Untrilla and Gwann. “Looks like this is good-bye. Thanks for all your help.”
“Good luck,” wished Untrilla.
Gwann smiled. “And if you require our help, you know where to find us.” The two natives hurried out of the Falcon and watched as the Corellian freighter prepared for departure.
“May the Force be with them,” whispered Untrilla.